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Achieve Your Dreams

Recently, I wrote a guest article for the Ohana Mama blog. I had several requests to post it here on Tier1 Living, so here it is…

I remember something I read on the Ohana Mama blog about moving to Hawaii. Many people want to move to Hawaii, but think it is only a pipe dream. The response is “No it’s not…if you don’t want it to be.” The Ohana Mama, Sarah, had the courage to follow her dream and move to Hawaii.

Ask yourself, “What is my plan? What are my goals?” There are a lot of people who have lost sight of their dreams, or have talked themselves out of achieving their goals. I’ll share my wakeup call with you.
About three years ago, while pregnant with my second child, I had a startling revelation. I was so immersed in being a “Mommy” that I had lost sight of my goals. I’d forgotten what I wanted for my life.
Prior to having children, I had a demanding job as an account executive. I had carved out a career path and was determined to get where I wanted by the time I was 30. At age 27, when my first daughter was born, my path took a detour. I knew that for the immediate future, I wanted to be home with my child.
I took my ambition and redirected it into “mommyhood.” I thought I was doing a great job of enriching my daughter’s life. She was in art, music, and gymnastics classes. She had regular play dates and plenty of time to explore her world. I would find fun crafts, and hunted for cool events for our excursions.

After my epiphany, I envisioned life when my children were in school full time. The thought scared me. What would I do with myself while they were in school? I spent so much time creating the perfect childhood for my daughter that I forgot who I was.

What Goals?
Was I being a good role model? I always told my daughter that she could do, and be, anything she wanted. If I wasn’t working towards my own goals, was I setting a good example?
Okay, so I needed to get some goals … that would have to wait until tomorrow.

My second realization was that I didn’t have time to define my goals. Every time I sat down to create them, I felt antsy and thought of the things I needed to do for my other commitments. I was overscheduled and something needed to change. I was preschool room Mom, play date coordinator, elaborate birthday planner, social butterfly, enrichment director, community volunteer, and not to forget, homemaker.

Upon discussing this with my best friends, I realized that it wasn’t just me. We were all in the same boat. While we had a clear plan for what we wanted our children to experience, we had no plan for what we wanted to achieve for ourselves. The consensus was that we’d figure that out later.

Time for Change
My life went through a transformation. I reprioritized and streamlined my commitments. Then, I had time to reconnect with my dreams. Prior to that, my thoughts were so crowded I was unable to have clear vision for my purpose beyond being a mom. The experience of motherhood has shown me how precious life is, and the value of time; both pass quickly.

Since defining my goals, I began pursuing my passion. My joy comes from inspiring people to live the life they want. I hope to help others carve out time for themselves; focus on achieving their goals, and nurture meaningful relationships.

It is necessary to have direction. Without knowing where you want to go, you will end up walking in circles. Yes, it is important to ensure your kids have a high quality childhood. However, you also have a responsibility to yourself. You will have more to give, if you make your dreams one of your priorities.

A Focused Life is an Exceptional Life
Take time to create your goals and define your plan to achieve them. Once you know where you want to go, the path will unfold.

First, determine why you are waiting to take action. Often, it is self-doubt that is standing in your way. You must believe in your own success. Second, determine the steps for reaching your goals. It is okay if it takes time to achieve your dreams. As long as you are moving forward you will have a sense of accomplishment.

Next, identify and bypass the roadblocks. These come in many forms: time, relationships, self-doubt, and finances. Once you label your roadblocks, you can determine how to conquer them. Lastly, take action and don’t give up.

Achieving your goals is no different than moving to Hawaii; it just takes some planning. In the end, you will be basking in the sun too.

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Recommended Reading

I am reading What I Know Now, Letters to My Younger Self, by Ellyn Spragins

She shares letters written by influential women such as Madeleine Albright, Queen Noor, and Ann Curry to name a few.  The letters are written to their younger selves providing advice to guide them through the hard times.

These women, with all of their success, have had the same insecurities and self doubt that many people experience in their lives.  These letters are inspiring and you will likely identify with their struggles in your own life.

I invite your comments on the book.

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Are You Trapped in a Glass Box?

We all have our autobiography written in our minds. We know what has happened in our life; successes and failures. We know where we are in this moment; with hopes and fears. We also know where we want to be in the future.

In the story of our life, the main character, or our belief of who we are, has been created by life experiences, and how we want to be perceived. We all label ourselves. I am a _____, that likes ______. I have been a_______, and will be a _______.

There are times when our concept about who we are will keep us from seizing opportunities that lead to the next level in our lives. We put ourselves in a glass box; if you stay in that comfort zone long enough you will miss the bus that is going to opportunity.

Change is necessary in life. We cannot progress and achieve our goals by always staying in the comfort zone. There are times when you must try something “out of the box” in order to achieve your goals.

What if you really are a _______? What if the road to your success travels through ______, instead of ______?

When you are at a crossroads in your life, it is sometimes difficult to see which direction to take when your perception of who you are conflicts with one of the paths.

It is important to define your beliefs about yourself and determine which are true and which have evolved from expectations over the years. The task of making life’s choices will be easier with a clear concept of who you are and what you want out of life.

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